Alabama Honor Student Faced Suspension Over A Part In His Haircut

Apparently, a haircut can be considered bad behavior? Seven year-old Rashaad Hunter from Birmingham, Ala., was recently suspended for a part design style hair cut, The Root reports It didnt matter to Hunters school, Greenwood Elementary School that he was an honor roll student, and had never been in trouble before. Essentially, the school thought

Apparently, a haircut can be considered bad behavior?

Seven year-old Rashaad Hunter from Birmingham, Ala., was recently suspended for a part design style hair cut, The Root reports  It didn’t matter to Hunter’s school, Greenwood Elementary School that he was an honor roll student, and had never been in trouble before. Essentially, the school thought his hair cut broke their regulations.

“He was like upset, and he said I had to come get him out of school because he was being suspended,” Rashaad’s mother, Keisha Rembert told WBRC. “He was walking with his head down; when I saw him, he was like teary-eyed at first because he doesn’t want to be suspended for no part in his head. I told him, ‘Don’t hold your head down … continue to make these A’s and B’s because that part is nothing.'”

The Bessemer City School’s Superintendent Fred Primm, didn’t see Rashaad’s hair cut, but said it was difficult to choose which haircuts are deemed inappropriate. The news station, however, showed Primm a picture of Hunter’s haircut, and this was his response:

“We allow small parts, but not excessively long parts that are done as designs. That part in that young man’s hair would be considered a design,” Primm said.

Lastly, he added that the principal has decided not to suspend Hunter.

