Russell Brand Says Diddy Is Funnier Than Him In Get Him To The Greek

British funnyman Russell Brand knows a thing or two about comedy. The former stand-up comedian and star of the riotous romp Get Him To The Greek (due out in theaters June 4) has been getting early raves for his wildly un-PC portrayal as Aldous Snow, the drug-abusing, womanizing, and eccentric rocker whomust play a comeback

British funnyman Russell Brand knows a thing or two about comedy.

The former stand-up comedian and star of the riotous romp Get Him To The Greek (due out in theaters June 4) has been getting early raves for his wildly un-PC portrayal as Aldous Snow, the drug-abusing, womanizing, and eccentric rocker who must play a comeback show at The Greek Theater to save his shattered career. But according to Brand, he and co-star Jonah Hill did not provide the biggest laugh-inducing moments in the film. That surprising honor goes to Sean “Diddy” Combs, who channeled his own notorious reputation as an over-the-top music mogul as crazed label executive Sergio.

“Diddy was pretty remarkable,” Brand tells VIBE of the budding actor and hip-hop icon who lets loose in hilarious scenes that include him chasing Hill and Brand down a busy, traffic-run street and literally eating his own head in a surreal drug-haze sequence. “He was really up for mocking himself. I thought that hip hop, except for De La Soul and Slim Shady, didn’t have much comedy in it. But the thing is his sense of humor is quite amazing. Up until this movie, I would have never anticipated that Sean “P. Diddy” Combs would be a person who’d crack me up. On the set, man, he was just funny. I think he’s maybe the funniest thing about the film. Even more than me and Jonah… and I’m a professional comedian.” 

With the role reversal, Brand says he’s ready to try on Diddy’s jet-setting shoes. “I’m going to now start a record label and I’m going to launch a new vodka,” he muses.  “And I’m going to start tweeting in capital letters.” —Keith Murphy

