Apparently Laurence Fishburne’s daughter, Montana Fishburne, thinks doing porn will jump start her acting career. “I’ve watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape,” said Mo ‘Burne (don’t feel like typing out her whole name) according to Global Grind.
Now let me say this: I’ve seen that quote on various blogs but you know how you have to read about 20 blogs and put the pieces together in order to get something remotely close to the truth so that may not be what she said ver batim, however, she really is planning to use this film as a stepping stone into stardom.
Sadly the blog attention she’s already getting from this is probably making her think that this is OK. People don’t realize that being an internet celebrity is different from being an actual celebrity, like, in real life. The web forgets in two days. Step outside your house and no one recognizes that you’re T-Baby or Bangs.
Don’t believe Daddy Fishburne’s little girl would do such a thing? Watch Montana aka Chip-D explain it herself. Then check Gangstarr Girl‘s full blog to continue reading.