The streets may be soaked with rainfall outside of VIBE’s Harlem offices (ugh!), but elsewhere, folks are getting ready to peel their shorts from the closet and plop some flip-flops on their feet. For those looking to hop a flight for a couple days in foreign paradise this summer, you should surely have a copy of VIBE’s April/May International issue handy for two reasons. 1) The passport-stamped, worldly guide to music overseas. And 2) to take advantage of our latest giveaway: young, swaggy luggage from baggage company Ful.
First person to correctly email us at with the name of the artist featured on page 86 will win this “Road Manager” bag (below)—a fresh and fly duffle that seamlessly converts to a rolling suitcase. There’s only one bag, so pull out that 50 Cent-covered issue and flip to page 86, stat!
For five less speedy runners up, we’ve got copies of our coverstar’s new movie, Blood Out (costarring Val Kilmer). Fiddy doesn’t go skin and bones in this one—be sure to check out Things Fall Apart for that—but he does rock a police badge. Officer 50?
Winners announced Monday a.m. (May 23). In the mean time, start looking up those summer flights. Holler.